Art-Reach invites participants from the arts and cultural community to submit proposals for the 3rd annual Cultural Accessibility Conference from September 21-23rd.
How we address accessibility for people with disabilities may have shifted during the pandemic, and we would love to hear the story of how you made your organizations and programs accessible. The conference will engage attendees with a diverse set of session formats: classroom, panel discussions, case studies, and short, pre-recorded on-demand sessions.
Art-Reach’s conference review committee welcomes proposals from different career levels and experiences. Each presenter will receive complimentary access to the entire conference. A small honorarium will be paid to all selected presenters.
We are seeking proposals in the following subject areas of accessibility:
- Staff Training & Customer Service
- Emergency Preparedness (COVID-19 Safety & Other)
- Fundraising & Tracking Impact
- Implementing Accessible Programming
- Institutional Buy-In
- Marketing (Building Audiences, Virtual Engagement)
- Case Studies
- Strategic Planning with Accessibility
- Topics of Identity and Intersection
- Universal Design (ex. Lesson Plans, Built Environment, Events)
- Addressing Barriers to the Social Model: (Organization, Technology, Communication, Physical, and Attitudinal)
In 2020, over 220 people from 10 countries attended Art-Reach’s Virtual Cultural Accessibility Conference. That number is expected to grow in 2021. All sessions will be CART captioned and ASL interpreted.
A selection committee will review RFPs and coordinate with presenters upon receipt of a full and complete proposal.